Why do my dreads feel itchy? Tips to soothe the scalp
For almost everyone in your neighborhood it seemed to be just another normal weekend, but for you this weekend was different because you FINALLY found the time to install your very first Wildcrafted Beauty synthetic dreads! Once it was over, you couldn’t wait to get up and look at yourself in the mirror……
GIRL—your dream look is coming to life!

You’re buzzing with excitement, already picturing how you’ll rock these at work next week. You needed a change so badly! Work attire can feel so damn repetitive especially if it’s a uniform! So naturally, your hair was just BEGGING for a change.
You share a picture of your new fierce hair on our page and are flooded with support and compliments from our community of women who love nothing more than seeing a woman rock her dreads!

BUT… the next day, you feel a tiny, nagging itch on your scalp. It’s like the universe’s little prank on your perfect moment. It’s a bit annoying, but hey! we’re not about to let a little itch rain on your parade! Time to make sure your hair is the LEAST of your concerns.
As we figure out what’s causing that annoying itch, we will also let you know how to properly care for your dreads!
Whether it’s skipping a pre-install detox, having tight braids, or just your scalp getting used to its new look, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a quick sneak peak of what we’ll explore— and fix!
- Detox!: The Pre-Install Mistake - Did you detox your dreads before installation?
- Dreadlock Quality: What Type Are You Wearing? - Let’s see if the issue could be with the type of dreads you got….
- Steps For Relief: Shower, Cooling Veil, Crown Nectar– Everything you need to make your experience smoother!
- Sleeping Routine- Special hair needs special care!
- Too Tight? - Did you braid them in too tight?
- Scalp Adjustment! - Is your scalp getting used to the new hairstyle of dreads?
- Are your dreadlocks high quality dreadlocks? And have you detoxed them?
If there’s a chance you got some dreads off of a random etsy seller…… low quality cheap synthetic dreads will obviously lead to more itching.
When it comes to dreadlocks, the type of hair fiber you choose can make a big difference in comfort. Many hand-crocheted dreads can feel itchier because the fibers used are often rougher or less flexible.
Don’t take it from us, here’s what our customers say!

Comfort was the main thing we were going for when we first designed our line of dreads! We all know how it feels to spend hours installing hair and then getting a sudden urge to remove it because it was making you feel way too uncomfortable!

So YES!---- You can expect your Wildcrafted Beauty dreads to be softer and more comfortable, reducing the itchiness that can come with rougher, cheaper or hand-crocheted options.
2- Did you skip this essential step?
DETOXING!! We have a whole blog post about this step! It is THAT important.
But let’s make it quick: Wherever you got your dreads from, they started out at a factory and so they naturally have flame resistant sprays on them– which is not good for our bodies or scalps!
If you have just decided to skip detoxing your dread set, we have some sad news for you….
You might be experiencing a burning or itching sensation and it is not even remotely CLOSE to a “normal itchy feeling of your scalp getting used to it!” For those who choose not to detox their dreads it's not uncommon for them to experience and extremely uncomfortable itch. Whereas for those who detox, although they experience some itching, its not even close to what one would experience when they choose not to detox their dreads before install.
Don’t know where to start with detoxing?
Pour your Dreadtox in a bowl full of warm water, place your dreads in there, and let them soak for a good 1 hour, rinse them thoroughly and then lay them out to dry!
- Have you taken your first shower?
Your first shower after installing can take place after a week, but if you find yourself feeling a bit irritated and itchy, treat your scalp to a nice massage and a refreshing shower. This will help to wash out all the residues and calm down the scalp. You can best do this with our shampoo bar — watch it fill your dreads & scalp with moisture from natural oils & butters! This all helps in preventing itching, dry skin, and brittle dry hair! Did we mention that our dreadlock shampoo has rosemary? You can only guess how amazing that feels on your scalp!

Afterwards, cool the scalp down by applying cooling veil and then use a blow dryer in the cool setting to help relieve itchiness. It really makes the scalp feel great right away.
Within 5 minutes of spraying your scalp you will feel a cooling sensation come over your scalp that will tell that itchiness to chill the heck out!
You'll feel relief begin to pour over your head reminding you that these dreads are supposed to be beautiful, and so much fun!
Is your scalp still feeling dry and unmoisturized?
One product you will find yourself using every day as your love for your dreads grows is our crown nectar. It has vitamins A,B6,C,E,K and it’s designed to help with dryness and irritation, giving your scalp the extra love it needs
What exactly will it do for my synthetic dreadlocks?
- Add moisture & shine
- Reduce static & frizziness
- Soften dreadlocks to touch & for better movement
- Prevents breakage
- Add a pretty scent to your dreadlocks
- Sanitize & keep hair clean between washes
How do you sleep with your dreads?
For normal natural hair, we usually go to bed without covering our hair, but we really do not expect these dreads to look gorgeous every single day when we move around a lot while sleeping……… For your first 2-3 weeks we recommend sleeping with a silk bonnet– It’s gentle on your scalp and helps reduce friction while you sleep, which saves you from irritation happening overnight! A couple of weeks later when they have started to mature—a lot of women find it easier to sleep with their hair in a braid or bun.
- Did you braid them in too tight?
If you are STILL feeling a bit uncomfortable, We HATE it when that happens but….. Did you install your dreads too tight? A lot of women think tight automatically means you’re safe! But it can be the main problem why your scalp is hurting too much that you start getting that itchy feeling.
Make sure your braids are not too tight! This makes a BIG difference in how comfortable you feel!
But just in case you’re like “Okay maybe I did that but HELP!!! Go ahead and hop in the shower, reach out for your scalp massager and while your hair is wet– massage it to loosen the braids.
- Is your scalp simply getting used to it?
When you first get dreadlocks, your scalp needs a bit of time to get used to the change. For starters, your hair is now sectioned into boxes, which means your natural oils aren’t spreading around like they used to. This can lead to some dryness or itchiness at first. Plus, the new fibers against your scalp might feel different from your natural hair, adding to the itch. Don’t worry—this phase is totally normal, and it gets so much more comfortable as your scalp settles in.

Ladies, patience is everything! with these simple tips, you will be well on your way to looking and feeling GORGEOUS.
Trust the process!
Feel free to take a look at our Facebook Group where women are sharing their dreadlock journeys, questions, tips and everything in between!
The Wildcrafted Woman - Community for Wildcrafted Beauty | Facebook
1 comment
Almost went with another highend brand. But your videos got me. Im researching all your links. Im a 64 years young and have always want the dread look. Im going for it very soon. Thank you for the support. I cant wait !!
Marlene on