How To Wash Synthetic Dreadlocks!

It’s not every day that we finally get the courage to embrace something new.

As humans, we all fall into the trap of fearing change, convincing ourselves that sticking to the familiar is safer, even as we eagerly admire those who dare to be different…..

 A new look or hairstyle might seem like a small change, but we’ve seen firsthand how transformative it can be.

Because let's be honest... when you look good, you feel GREAT! 

Our #WildcraftedWomanTransformations are a beautiful testament to this truth. They constantly remind us that we are evolving, and so is our style. Why should we be confined to a single image of ourselves just because it’s what everyone is used to? Women become truly empowered when they have the freedom to redefine themselves, surprise themselves, and most importantly: fall in love with the person they are becoming! 


Change isn’t JUST about looks—it’s about embracing the possibility of who we might be. It’s about feeling the thrill of transformation and the joy of discovering new versions of ourselves. When we allow ourselves to evolve, we tap into a deeper sense of self-worth and confidence. 

We become more than we ever imagined, and that is the meaning of true empowerment!

One question that obviously comes up when someone has decided to take that leap and get themselves some amazing Wildcrafted Beauty dreads is: “Can I wash my dreads, and how do I do it?”

It’s a perfectly valid concern, especially when you’re jumping into the world of synthetic dreadlocks for the first time. Don’t worry girl! We always say we’re bougie hippies, not dirty ones! Maintaining your dreads while keeping up with your daily routines is gonna be so easy! 

You’ve had a long day, and now it’s time to unwind. You step into your bathroom, ready for a relaxing shower that’s all about YOU.

We know what you’re probably thinking– 

What do I do with my hair? Put it up in a bun? Wear a shower cap? Simply wash my hair?

Let’s start with washing your dreads – plain and simple! 

P.S. washing your dreads the first couple of times really helps with your maturing process!

Remember that amazing scent that overwhelmed you when you first opened your Wildcrafted Beauty package? It was your first order! You added a bunch of dreadcare products that you knew you would probably need to make your experience smoother— the scent practically carved your memory and you could not wait for your next shower!

That was definitely coming from our Divinity Shampoo Bar  — which comes in its special soap bag, and let me tell you, this isn’t just any soap. It’s designed for synthetic dreadlocks, so no buildup here—just a fresh, clean feeling.

You start by lathering up with the shampoo bar. The rich, creamy foam feels amazing as it gets to work. 

But the real treat comes next: you reach for your head massager. This little tool is like a mini spa for your scalp. As you gently massage, it feels like all your stress is melting away. It’s relaxing, it’s soothing, and it makes your shampoo routine feel like a luxury.

Want it? Get it here

Once you’ve rinsed off the shampoo and enjoyed your head massage, it’s time to step out of the shower. 

Does it get any better? 

You Betcha!

Sometimes you just gotta give your hair a little extra attention (hair needs that too!) Whether you have dreads in or not... Grab our cooling veil  and let’s get going! A few spritzes will instantly soothe and cool your scalp; perfect for winding down after a hot shower and leaving your scalp moisturized…  Giving your dreads or natural hair the relief it needs after a rough day at work! 

And that dreadlock itch?


Cooling Veil contains rosemary which essentially helps with scalp issues (think frustrating dreadlock itch!) It encourages hair growth, enhances hair shine and last but certainly not least improves circulation.

How do I dry my hair?

Dry with a towel or air dry

But I’m always late to work and in such a hurry!!

 Lucky for you–

You can blow dry on high heat since our synthetic dreadlocks are high quality heat-resistant synthetic hair!

Now that your dreads are refreshed and dry— we need to give it that glowy moisturized feel, which is where our  Crown Nectar comes in!

You weren’t really sure at first, but after seeing many women boast about Crown Nectar –you went back and added it to your cart hoping that it would make your experience smoother!

What to expect?

Right off the bat—- you’re met with an aromatic scent as soon as you twist the cap! It overwhelms your every sense, and instantly your mind is clear of all thoughts… so lost in the scent. Your mood is elevated from the very first whiff!

“There’s gotta be something else in here that makes my hair look so good!”

One thing? More like a combination of oils that are formulated to help your wavy synthetic hair mature into dreadlocks over time! 

Not to mention the germanium— which boosts your natural hair growth and is really good for your hormones.

 Both combined together to form your very own dreadlock hair… potion! 

Because it is truly magical. 

Wanna know how it feels?

Your hair feels soft, shiny, and totally pampered.

How often do I have to do this? 

Keep it chill with washing your hair just once a week. If you love showering more often, just pop your hair in a bun to avoid too much moisture messing with your dreadlocks. For extra protection, you can even wear a shower cap! 

Who knew washing your dreadlocks could be so enjoyable? With our divinity shampoo bar, cooling veil, and Crown Nectar -  your shower routine is about to become your favorite part of the day! Say goodbye to boring washes and hello to a spa-like experience right in your very own bathroom.

 Our products turn every step into a treat, leaving you and your dreads feeling refreshed. 

Your dreadlocks—and your mood—will thank you for it!

take a look at our Facebook Group where thousands of Wildcrafted Women share their experiences every day. 

Real women. Real stories.

Join our YouTube Channel to stay updated with long-form videos on all things dreadlocks—styling tips, maintenance hacks, and inspiration for your next look! 🎥


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