Dread Tox - Cleanse & Detox Dreads Before Each Wear
Three, 200ml pouches of Dreadlock Detox & Cleanser.
Smells Like:
Scent free once rinsed and dried, but the product itself will have an apple cider vinegar smell while the detox is in process
Feels Like:
A deep breathe of relief because you have the confidence that you have detoxed your dreadlocks and/or synthetic hair and know it's completely safe, clean and prepared to go on your body!
Experience :
You just got a brand new set of dreadlocks, yay! But one thing you know for sure is that because they will be sitting on your skin, you want to make sure they are ready for the new relationship they have with your body!
Now you can be confident that each time you install your dreadlocks they have been fully cleansed and are ready for a new experience.
It's recommended that you use Dread Tox before your very first install, and again in between installs to thoroughly cleanse away oils, dirt, grime, sweat, and really anything that could be on your dreadlocks. This will give you a fresh clean start for your next install.
For hair, scalp & synthetic dreadlocks::
-Remove any chemicals hair factories may have added to the hair
-Help prevent itching & rashes that can be caused by synthetic hair that has not been detox
-Be confident that what is going on your scalp is safe for your body
-Add some PH balance to your dreads before they go on your head
-Cleanse away any product from previous wears so you know they are fully cleaned & ready for your next install
Apple Cider Vinegar, Colloidal Silver, Aritha Powder
How to use:
Put entire packet in a mixing bowl & whisk for 1 minute or until bubbles begin to form. Add 1 cup hot faucet water, then place dreads in the bowl. Fill bowl with enough water to cover the dreads, swish dreads around & let soak for 1hr.
Rinse 2-3 times with hot faucet water thoroughly, the ACV scent will completely dissipate once dreads have dried.
1 pouch will detox and entire set of dreadlocks, 45-70 dreads total