Swimming With Synthetic Dreadlocks: What You Need To Know
Your dream vacation is finally here! You’ve been counting down the days for that break, and now it’s time to kick back, soak up some sun, and let the water work its magic.
But you can’t help it, there’s that one little thought in the back of your mind…
Can you really swim with your synthetic dreadlocks?
You absolutely love your Wildcrafted Beauty dreadlocks. You’ve fallen for how they make you feel—confident, bold, and beautiful. Whether you’ve just had them installed or they’ve been part of your look for months, they’re a piece of you now! So naturally, the idea of messing them up with a dip in the pool or ocean might seem risky…..
And we get it! When we like how something feels—whether it’s that perfect hairstyle, a cozy sweater, or even our go-to chapstick, we always want to hold on to it!
When it makes us feel confident, comfortable, makes us feel alive and even is a total compliment-grabber…….
We wouldn’t want to even risk ruining it!
That’s why we’re here to walk you through 4 steps you can do to make your experience both enjoyable and hassle-free!
Here’s the thing: Synthetic hair doesn’t soak up water like natural hair does. Instead, everything from water to chlorine – tends to just sit on the surface of your dreads.
But there’s something pretty magical about our dreadlocks….. They actually go through a maturing process. Yep! The longer you wear them, the more they settle and "lock" in place. That means if your dreads are fresh—less than 5 weeks old—they need some extra love to fully mature. (Read all about the phases they will go through here!)
A quick shower is no biggie, but plunging them into the ocean or pool too soon can mess up their flow and even cause tangling.
So if yours are brand new we have some ideas for how to style them in a way that both protects them and allows you to have a fun time! Because no one, not even us, is gonna get in the way of fun!!
Let’s see what styling your hair could look like:
- French Braid: Why braid? Simple—keeping your dreadlocks in a braid prevents them from floating freely in the water, which reduces the chance of tangling and picking up debris (especially if you’re swimming in a pond or lake). Not to mention, if you’re hitting up a water park, a braid ensures your hair doesn’t snag on anything, keeping both you and your dreads safe!
Here’s how to do it: Start by dividing the top section of your hair into three equal parts. Begin braiding as usual, crossing the right section over the middle, then the left, while gradually adding more hair from the sides as you work your way down. A braid keeps your dreads tidy and secure, allowing you to fully enjoy the water with zero worries!
It should look something like this!
Fun Bun? Yes Please!
That’s a job for our jumbo scrunchies—
She’s tough, she’s chic, and she’s here to get the job done. Plus, she’s custom made just for dreadlocks, using smooth satin that keeps your hair in place without adding frizz.
A bun also helps you avoid getting your dreadlocks wet at all
Which is perfect if you just want to:
Chill by the beach and do some catchup on reading your book (now that you’re on vacation you finally have some free time to do that.)
Catch a tan while sipping on something cool (without the hassle of wet hair)
Cool off your body while having poolside conversations with your girlfriends!
Who could ask for more? (Well, maybe you, which is why we’ve got our scrunchies in a range of colors and styles
If you’ve had your dreadlocks in for about 12 weeks or longer and they’ve already matured: You’re safe girl! Go ahead and take a dip in the water—your dreadlocks will be just fine! Because they’ve taken their time to mature and settle in, they are much less prone to tangling… even in the water!
But once you’re out of the water, we gotta make sure to care for them:
First, rinse thoroughly with fresh water to get rid of any chlorine or salt.
Next up, it’s time for a wash with a residue-free dreadlock shampoo bar. You really want something that cleanses both your dreads and natural hair without leaving any buildup behind. Our founder, a seasoned dreadlock enthusiast herself, discovered early in her journey these dreadlocks require a special kind of shampoo. Her vision? To create a product that not only cleans but also supports scalp health without messing with your hormones. Balanced pH is so important to preventing dandruff and other scalp issues.
She crafted Wildcrafted Beauty’s very own dreadlock shampoo bar
Right here in-house! — Packed with natural oils and butters, it not only cleanses but also kicks frizz to the curb, boosts moisture and shine, and leaves your dreads smelling SO GOOD with a hint of rosemary. (P.S. you can always scroll to the end of a page to see what people who have used our products are saying about it!)
To wash, simply soak your hair, then use your shampoo bar inside a double slip shampoo bag (which it comes with!) Gently massage your scalp in circles moving your hair as needed while you wash. Then flip your head upside down and press the bar and your hair between your hands and slowly run your hands down to the tips of your hair. Continue this until you have gone down each side of your hair.
Dry Properly
If you do get in the water with your dreadlocks, drying them properly is a must! After rinsing thoroughly with fresh water (to remove any chlorine or salt), squeeze out the excess water. Now, here’s a little tip from us: consider packing a travel-sized blow dryer because guess what? Wildcrafted Beauty’s synthetic dreadlocks can be blow dried! Yep, they’re heat resistant.
But you know what sounds even better? taking a walk down the beach with your lover while your hair dries in the breeze. That way by the time your walk is done, not only will you feel a little more in love with the world, surrounded by the magic of the ocean but your dreads will have also dried naturally!
Make sure to separate each dread with your hands to prevent tangling and to keep them looking neat and fresh for this next step!
A Little Moisture….Goes A Long Way!
Synthetic dreadlocks might not need conditioning like natural hair, but they still need love—especially if they’re new and you’ve only had them for less than a month. This step is crucial—think of it this way: You take care of them now, and they’ll look even better in the long run! Which is why Crown Nectar is your dreadlocks' new BFF!
Give it a shake (All our products need shaking because no additives are used to combine them together!)
Pump a generous amount into your hand and smooth it down each strand.
Gently separate and detangle. (this really helps make all the fibers stick together as a strand instead of tangling up as one big dread)
and voilà—watch the shine and smoothness come right back!
Your dreads are practically thanking you at this point. They should! Crown Nectar was made with the sole purpose of moisturizing your dreads, sanitizing them and softening them!
And that's it, Wildcrafted Woman! You are all set to go and have fun! Whether you’re basking in the sun on a getaway or lounging by the pool with your girlfriends, your synthetic dreadlocks will stay fabulous and worry-free!
With these tips at the back of your mind, you can focus on making amazing memories and enjoying every moment. Dive in and let the good times roll—you’ve got this!
Wanna make sure you’re washing your hair the right way?— Read our blog on how to wash your dreadlocks or Watch Berlin's latest YouTube video, here where she walks you step-by-step through the process of washing and maintaining your synthetic dreadlocks. It’s simple, quick, and will keep your dreads always looking fresh!
1 comment
Hey there, ladies as you already know, Canada Post has delayed my parcel. It’s driving me bananas but my sister has a house in Florida so I’m gonna use her address to get some salt and pepper longs. Probably a set of Short salt and pepper and I need the shampoo bar in a bag….. I’m so upset at that damn Canada Post my trip is in February. I wanted to have them in and all good and nectared….. keeping my fingers crossed anyways it’s basically just the FYI
Brenda on